Job Shadowing al Sanvitale
In ottobre il nostro Liceo ha ospitato due docenti della scuola CPI “O Cruce” di Cerceda, una piccola cittadina nelle vicinanze di A Coruña, in Spagna.
Pilar Tabarés e Leonardo Fernandez, docenti di Arte e di Lingua e Letteratura Galega, hanno partecipato attivamente alla vita della scuola, osservando le nostre attività, condividendo le loro esperienze e conoscenze sia con i docenti che con gli alunni.
Grazie all’accreditamento Erasmus e al progetto di finanziamento KA121, che consentiranno l’organizzazione e la partecipazione ad attività di job shadowing, a corsi di formazione (per il personale docente ed ata) e a mobilità a breve termine (per gli studenti), auspichiamo di ripetere e consolidare questa utile sinergia internazionale.
Mariacristina Ruozi
Pilar Tabarez racconta la sua esperienza:
“Last October I had the opportunity to participate, together with another teacher colleague from my school in Cerceda (Spain), in a European program in the beautiful city of Parma.This project was a “job shadowing” in Liceo delle Scienze Umane Albertina Sanvitale, a five-days-stay that let us know how the education system is in Italy and how teachers work with TICs, digital contents and new technologies in order to promote innovation and a high quality education for students. We could see that our shared aim is to offer the concept of open school and prepare our students for the future.It was an intense and enriching experience, a great professional opportunity to learn from other European colleagues, from their educational system compared to ours. We observed and exchanged methodologies, where innovation, TICs, digitalization and creativity are the foundations of new experimental learning scenes where the school is open to society.In addition, as I teach Art and Visual Education, our colleagues in Parma offered me the opportunity to extend this “job shadowing” by attending the Paolo Toschi School of Art for some sessions, an art school located in an amazing building full of history and art.Seeing how other colleagues are working, learning through observation and exchanging information, will, for sure, improve our teaching labor.It was also a marvelous personal experience that let us get to know nice colleagues and share great moments in Parma, besides knowing part of the artistic and historic heritage of this beautiful city.Thank you, Mariacristina, and all the teachers and students that made this possible.Hope to see you again!”
Pilar Tabarés
CPI O Cruce, Cerceda (A Coruña) – España
December 2022
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